Sign up for the Santa Dash and support kids in our community with a gift provided by you!! That's right your entry fee is a gift for a local child. All gifts wll go to support the United Way Christmas program
Hey it's Win Win. Participate in the Santa Dash and give yourself the gift of good health, at the same time giving a gift to a local child.
Join us for this unique family 5K. The event will officially start at the Barry Community Enrichment Center, where participants will walk thru the heart of downtown Hastings. Once we reach the River Walk at the end of town, paricipants will follow the river walk path on a candy cane shaped course, pick up a candy cane and return to finish at the Pavilion (across from the Hastings Library). All participants who come dressed in a festive outfit will be placed in a drawig for the coustume grand prize! Also all registered participants will receive a santa hat!
Date: Saturday December 7th. Run begins at 10am. Packet pick up and late registration opens at 9am at the Barry Community Enrichment Center.
Where: The event starts at the Barry Community Enrichment Center (United Way) and ends at the Hastings Pavillion across from the Hastings Library.
Pre-registration will be on line only at You can however register on the day of the event at 9am but shirts santa hats may not be available.
Cost: The registration fee is a unwrapped gift for a Barry County Child or teen. When you register on line, you will choose boy, girl, or neutral gift.
Prizes for the first overall male/female and best Holiday theme costume.!