Join us for the 9th annual RunnersWorld Tulsa Urban Adventure Race!
The RunnersWorld Tulsa Urban Adventure Race promises to be an unforgettable running experience! The Urban Adventure is an exciting running tour of a vast amount of Tulsa’s iconic sights. There is a distance for most everyone beginning with the marathon and up to 100 miles. Do YOU have what it takes to complete it?

The start is Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 7:00 a.m. The start/finish is at RunnersWorld Tulsa., 3920 S. Peoria, Tulsa, OK.
CUTOFF: The cutoff time for finishing all distances of the race is 34 hours (5:00 PM. Sunday).
WHAT'S WITH THE NAME? First of all, it's Tulsa! It’s an exposition because it will expose you to parts of the city that you may or may not have run before and will show you what a great city this is to run in on your Urban Adventure
COURSE: It starts and finishes at RunnersWorld Tulsa, 3920 S. Peoria, Tulsa OK. The course is 25 mile loop with a 1.2 mile out and back for the 26.2 mile distance. Run one lap, do a marathon. Two laps for a 50, three for a 75 and four to complete a 100!!!
You will be given a map and a baggie with turn by turn directions to carry with you during the event and you must find your way around. The course is not marked and the map and turn by turn directions will be the only thing to show you the way. The terrain is generally flat to gently rolling. There are sidewalks to run on almost the whole race. I’ve tried to minimize running on streets with traffic as much as possible, but NOTE that much of the race is run next to or on streets where there may be heavy vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic, which is part of the “urban adventure” aspect of the race, so prepare to take extra care in traffic when you’re exhausted near the end.
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50 - 75 - 100:
AID STATIONS: Your aid stations will be Quik Trips that are located approximately every 2-3 miles on the course. We will give you a Quik Trip card to use to purchase food and drink when you pick up your packet for the race. Quik Trip is not a sponsor nor are they involved in putting on this event and therefore you will act just like any other "paying" customer. You may NOT take anything for free. There will be only one other aid stations along the course at RunnersWorld Tulsa, providing water and sports drink, some simple food items (fruit, chips/pretzels, cookies) and maybe some more substantial food items. They might not provide all of your nutritional needs during the race. You should still carry some of your own food, some extra cash, have it crewed for you, or buy it in stores, delis or restaurants you pass along the way. You will also pass by some park drinking fountains if you need extra water. This is part of the urban adventure and fun of an event like this. Keep in mind that many stores may close at night. The aid stations will also not have any extra amenities like cots or anyplace to nap at night except at RunnersWorld Tulsa. Aid station staff at RunnersWorld will check you in, make sure you’re ok, help you with directions if needed and give you encouragement and support. You will still have to be somewhat self-reliant. Please only enter this race if you are prepared for that.
You may enter to run 26.2, 50 or 100 miles: All distances follow the same rules as the 100 mile participants. Runners entered in the 100 and 50 Mile run may stop at any loop if they don’t feel they are able to finish and still get a finishers medal for doing that distance. Pacers are allowed after your first lap. You may crew your runners at any time. However you will not be eligible for overall awards if you drop distances.
BAGS: Runners entered in the 100 Mile or 50 mile run may have one bag at the start/finish, for the primary purpose of having a change of clothes, a headlamp or other safety gear. Please do not use large bags for drop bags, and please let the race director know in advance if you would like to leave a larger bag (like a suitcase) at the finish. There is also a shower available for after the event if you need to get cleaned up before leaving.
PACERS: The race is held on public paths and streets which will be fully open to the public. There are no absolute restrictions on pacers or crew except that no pacers are allowed before the 25 mile point (after lap one). Pacers (and crew) can meet you at any point on the course, not only at aid stations. Pacers are very strongly recommended at night, or after the 25 mile point. This is for runner security, to prevent getting lost, and for safety in case a runner becomes ill or disoriented. Two or more registered runners may run the entire race together. Pacers will not be an absolute requirement, but are very very strongly recommended, as previous runners will attest. Sunset is approximately 8:30 p.m. Runners will have to arrange for their own pacers.
You may have a crew for the entire race. Crews may offer assistance with anything except moving you forward in the race. (Do not take a ride or you are immediately disqualified!) A lot of the crews will offer assistance to other participants.
CREW: You may have a crew for the entire race. Crews may offer assistance with anything except moving you forward in the race. (Do not take a ride or you are immediately disqualified!) A lot of the crews will offer assistance to other participants.
You may crew for a runner or team member at any point during the race. You may provide food, drink, and anything else your runner might need except moving them forward on the course. Please use discretion when parking and staging. Do NOT park anywhere that will block/impede any other participant or traffic, parking lots, etc.
MANDATORY: All registered runners must carry the following items with them during the run. 1. Cell phone* 2. Direction sheet, to be provided 3. Cash, roughly $25 recommended, for additional food and drink purchases 4. At least one water bottle or hydration pack, minimum 20 oz. *If you don't have a cell phone, please let us know
- Music listening devices are prohibited at night, for registered runners and for pacers, and are very strongly discouraged at any point during the run. This is a genuine safety issue. You will be running on streets that are open to traffic and you must always be fully aware of your surroundings. It can also distract you from following course markings. Furthermore, although you will not be running through any particularly “dangerous” neighborhoods at night, music listening devices are a target for thieves. Of course, you may carry iPhones for a phone, but it should stay stowed away unless needed. Similarly, we strongly recommend against using iPhones or other smart phones for non-essential use at night (i.e., Facebook or Twitter updates).
- Littering. This includes banana peels and orange rinds. You will pass by trash cans everywhere along the route – use them.
DROPS: I genuinely expect all runners to complete their perspective distances within the allotted time frame. But if you must drop, you must notify race officials immediately. It is preferable to drop at RunnersWorld and tell the volunteers there, but if you have a crew and drop on the course, you must call a race official or send a text – BEFORE you leave the course. If you run into a problem during the race and can't complete the course or have a safety issue, we will try to get someone to you ASAP. You may also call Uber or a cab, phone a Friend/relative or use your crew to get back to RunnersWorld if you are dropping out in the middle of the run course.
OTHER WORDS: Always remember, safety first! This is not meant to be a highly-competitive event. Take the time to wait at stop lights, and always be careful at crossings. You are doing something amazing by running the Urban Adventure, but drivers don’t know this. Also, be courteous to pedestrians, bike riders, and drivers. You are ambassadors and representatives for your sport, like it or not. But finally, relax and have fun, and enjoy the city and your run!
WHAT YOU GET: You will receive a QT debit card. (different amounts for each distance) A fabulous race shirt. An Urban Adventure buckle and medal for the 100 or a finisher Huge 6inch Golden Driller medal for the other distances. And any other fun BLING we can come up with!
Packet Pick-up: Packet pick-up is Friday, September 29 between 10:00AM-6:00PM at RunnersWorld Tulsa. Out of towners may pick up their packets on race morning starting at 6:00AM.
Would you like to help?
Submitting your Virtual run time is simple:
Use the Free Its Your Race APP or do it manually
(See the links in the right column for Apple & Android)
Manual Entry:
1. Click “Results” link at the top of this page and then select the results for the Virtual Day Ohn Day. The ItsYourRace results page for the Virtual race will appear.
2. Find your name in the results for your distance. You will see an "Update Time" button on the right side of the page. Click "Update Time".
3. If you are not currently logged into ItsYourRace, a login window will appear. Log in using your ItsYourRace user id (email address you registered with) and password. Can't remember? Click "Forgot Your Password" to reset. If its your first time, you may need to create an account.
4. Enter your time and click the "Save Your Time" button. Simple! Note: Results will remain hidden until Sep 28, 2024 @ 8:00am. You may upload times from Sep 28-Oct 6, 2024.

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